Top 5 Astronomy Gifts Worth Avoiding

American Museum Of Natural History gifts gift
American Museum Of Natural History Space Gift Shop

As we approach the holidays, people are starting to think of gifts to get others. Therefore why not provide some holiday cheer and help with the gift giving process.

Laser Pointer

A laser pointer isn’t itself a bad gift in a vacuum, but what puts it on this list is that a laser pointer is illegal to use to point at aircraft and others eyes. In the hands of kids and those who are unaware, laser pointers can cause real damage to eyesight. Unless you’re using a laser pointer to point out objects in the sky to teach others, avoid this as a gift.

Astrology Gifts

What we’re not saying is astrology is bad or negative. Rather what we are saying is that try to avoid an astrology gift for your astronomy friend. It shows that you’re not necessarily understanding of their interests. Astrology and astronomy are different.

Anything Pseudoscientific

When you’re buying a gift for someone, make sure that the gift is something they will like and enjoy. Moreover, buy them something that they will enjoy and is science related. The last thing an amateur astronomer would want is a flat earth tshirt or mug. (Note: If your friend is seriously into one of these topics, then this might make a good gift, but generally avoid these)

Something They Already Have

This one might seem obvious, but getting someone a second copy of something isnt ideal. Unless they explicitly say or you know they want a second type of an item, such as a new telescope, try to get something different. What this means is that if you get someone a second Barlow lens or second telescope of the same type, it would be a nice gift, but you have to consider how often they would use it. For example, someone with a second telescope, might not use it as much as a mug or a t-shirt or a magazine subscription.

Extremely Cheap Telescope

We understand that money and budgets restrict what can be purchased. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t good deals on telescopes available. Don’t rush into a sale just to buy them a telescope, rather do your research. This incudes looking at reviews, talking to local astronomy clubs, forum boards, and much more to gain an understanding of which telescopes in your price and usability range would be best. Once you have found what you want, there are many ways to get a good deal on these telescopes such as second hand stores or craigslist or even sales from the manufacturer can provide good telescopes for a really good deal.

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