March 2025 Total Lunar Eclipse
In 2025, there will be a total of 2 lunar eclipses, both of them total lunar eclipses. The first total lunar eclipse will be visible in the Pacific Northwest on March 14th, 2025, with the…
In 2025, there will be a total of 2 lunar eclipses, both of them total lunar eclipses. The first total lunar eclipse will be visible in the Pacific Northwest on March 14th, 2025, with the…
As discussed in a previous article on the subject, a blue moon is “either the third of four full moons in a season, or a second full moon in a month of the common calendar.” The last blue…
As we previously did articles on the 2024 solar eclipse for the several state parks, and figure that there is an amazing opportunity for mapping those state parks to their Bortle Scale values. With the…
A hidden gem in the Oregon State Parks system, which repeatedly appears on the least visited parks, (18th least visited in 2023 and 16th least visited in 2022), Cottonwood Canyon State Park is an amazing…
As we previously did articles on the 2024 solar eclipse for the several state parks, and figure that there is an amazing opportunity for mapping those state parks to their Bortle Scale values. With the…
One of the best and most exciting targets for amateur astronomers is the planet Saturn. What makes Saturn a wonderful target is not only its reliability in being available for viewing, but also its iconic…
As we previously did articles on the 2024 solar eclipse for the several state parks, and figure that there is an amazing opportunity for mapping those state parks to their Bortle Scale values. With the…
As we previously did articles on the 2024 solar eclipse for the several state parks, and figure that there is an amazing opportunity for mapping those state parks to their Bortle Scale values. With the…
As we previously did articles on the 2024 solar eclipse for the several state parks, and figure that there is an amazing opportunity for mapping those state parks to their Bortle Scale values. With the…
This article will examine which BLM sites in Oregon are good choices for astronomy in some form. There are 203 sites BLM managed sites in Oregon, which is more than in Washington but slightly fewer…