
Obervatory Observatories

Pacific Northwest Astronomical Observatories

Looking for one of the many astronomical observatories in the Pacific Northwest? Here is a full listing of these observatories at the time of publication. Please note that hours and admission could change depending on…

Evergreen Aviation And Space Museum

Space Museums Of The Pacific Northwest

There are a few space museums in the Pacific Northwest, all of which are absolutely worth visiting at least once. The space museums of the area are spread throughout the Pacific Northwest, which provides an…

Australia Astronomy in Sydney and Cairns

When traveling in Australia, I had the opportunity and was fortunate enough to go to the Sydney Observatory and see the Milky Way in Cairns Cairns Night Sky Secrets The first experience stargazing in Australia…

Realistic Telescope Simulator

Through a friend, I was referred to this awesome new site and resource for telescope simulator, which can be found at This tool is so helpful as it allows astronomers to get a realistic…

History Of Telescopes

Which Telescope is Right For You?

Buying a telescope can be a challenge, as there are numerous options from which to choose. The mounts and telescopes widely differ in many ways, such as cost, size, and maintenance, and everybody has their…

Choosing The Right Stargazing App

Choosing an astronomy app to use for tablets and smartphones can be a really daunting challenge. When searching the the App store for an stargazing application, the available options are so plentiful and overwhelming. Some…

Choosing An Astronomy Weather Site

Finding good weather and meteorological application focused and useful for astronomy can be a challenge as resources are numerous and provide a varying degree of data. Moreover, many sites provide the same data in a…

affordable quarantine

The Road to Making Space Affordable

Space–the “final” frontier as some would say; whereas, others would say a less-than-affordable frontier. Making space On Thursday March 30th, 2017, SpaceX launched a “recycled” or “flight proven” rocket that in April 2016 had launched…