


Mensa is a constellation in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere near the south celestial pole. Mensa is 1 of 12 constellations created in the 18th century by French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille. Its name is Latin…

Sawtooth National Forest

Sawtooth National Forest Unique Astronomy Site

Sawtooth National Forest is a National Forest that covers 2,110,408 acres. Managed by the U.S. Forest Service in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it was originally named the Sawtooth Forest Reserve in a proclamation issued by President Theodore Roosevelt on May 29, 1905. The forest is…

Messier 101 Pinwheel Galaxy

Messier 101 Pinwheel Galaxy

Containing over 1 trillion stars, the Messier 101 Pinwheel Galaxy is a spiral galaxy located in the constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear. The galaxy appears face-on and the galaxy is quite large, but has…

Messier 100

Messier 100

Messier 100 is a starburst galaxy, with strongest bursts of star formation concentrated within a ring in the centre of the galaxy. The ring is in fact two tightly wound spiral arms connected to a…

Messier 99 Coma Pinwheel

Messier 99 Coma Pinwheel

Messier 99, also known as the Coma Pinwheel or Virgo Cluster Pinwheel, is an unbarred spiral galaxy in Coma Berenices. It is one of the brighter spiral galaxies in the Virgo Cluster and appears almost face-on, which makes…