Articles by Mike R

Famous Comets Comet Meteor

Top 6 Most Famous Comets

After discussing how classifications of comets can differ depending on the solar system that it orbits and the length of time taken to orbit, it seemed fun to discuss the most famous comets that everyone…


NOAA: Celebrating 50 Years Of Excellence

Founded on October 3rd, 1970, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, shortened to the acronym NOAA, is an American scientific agency that is part of the United States Department of Commerce. NOAA is dedicated and focuses on…

Solar Storms Solar Cycle 25

Solar Cycle 25: What To Expect

Recently, NASA announced that they could say the sun had entered solar cycle 24, and the start of solar cycle 25. This announcement comes after the December 2019 solar minimum, which will make the start…

Messier 11 Wild Duck Cluster

Messier 11 Wild Duck Cluster

Of the 26 open clusters included in the Messier catalog, Messier 11, the Wild Duck Cluster is the most distant that can be seen with the naked eye. The best time to spot the cluster…

Windmill Oregon Cottonwood Canyon State Park Oregon Dark Sky State Parks Oregon State Parks Dark Sky

Windmill Light Pollution

When we went to Cottonwood Canyon for stargazing, we noticed that along the way, there were plenty of windmills. The use of a windmill and many windmills makes sense as they are environmentally friendly and…

Messier 10

Messier 10

Messier 10 is notable for its high population of blue stragglers, which are stars that appear to be far younger than their neighbors. These stars in globular clusters are thought to have formed and aged…

Sun Solar Minimum Solar Observing Solar Cycle

Solar Cycle: An Introduction

In September 2020, NASA announced that they could say the sun had entered solar cycle 24, and the start of solar cycle 25. This brought up some questions surrounding the solar cycle. What exactly is…

Sunspot solar maximum Solar Cycle 25

Solar Cycle 24 Review

Recently, NASA announced that they could say the sun had entered solar cycle 24, and the start of solar cycle 25. This announcement comes after the December 2019 solar minimum, which will make the start…