Articles by Mike R

Messier 50

Messier 50

DescriptionVisible From Pacific NorthwestNovember to MarchBest Time To ObserveDecember, January, and FebruaryMinimum Size Of Viewing DeviceSmall TelescopeObject TypeOpen ClusterDesignationsMessier 50, M50, NGC 2323, Collinder 124, OCl 559.0, C 0700-082, MWSC 1072Right Ascension07h 03.2mDeclination-08°20′ConstellationMonocerosNumber Of StarsMore…

Messier 49

Messier 49

The elliptical galaxy M49 was discovered by Charles Messier in 1771. Not only was it the first object discovered in the Virgo Cluster of galaxies, but it was also the first elliptical galaxy detected outside…

Jupiter Moon Ploonet

Moons of Jupiter

Of all the planets in the Solar system, Jupiter has the 2nd most moons, 3 behind Saturn. This means that Jupiter has 79 known natural satellites. Of these, 63 are less than 10 kilometres in diameter and…

Messier 48

Messier 48

Messier 48 (M48) is an open star cluster located in Hydra, the largest constellation in the sky. DescriptionVisible From Pacific NorthwestOctober to MarchBest Time To ObserveJanuary and FebruaryMinimum Size Of Viewing DeviceBinocularsObject TypeOpen ClusterDesignationsMessier 48,…


Observation Of Jupiter

Jupiter is one of the brightest objects visible to the naked eye in the night sky, and has been known to ancient civilizations since before recorded history. Jupiter is usually the fourth brightest object in the…

Messier 47

Messier 47

Messier 47 is an open cluster in the constellation Puppis. It was discovered by Giovanni Batista Hodierna before 1654 and independently discovered by Charles Messier on February 19, 1771. It was later independently discovered again,…


Jupiter: A Brief Overview

Being 2.5 times the size of all of the other planets in the Solar System combined, Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System. Jupiter has a mass 1/1000th of the Sun and is…