Viewing The 2045 Eclipse In Utah

2017 Solar Eclipse Solar Eclipse Planning 2024 eclipse state parks 2024 Eclipse Astronomy Public Lands 2045 Solar Eclipse 2045 Largest Cities North America 2027 solar eclipse
2017 Eclipse Taken By Konstantin

In 2045, the US State of Utah has a plethora of options for viewing the solar eclipse. Using the information we did for State Parks, Cities, and Public Lands, we are able to provide a comprehensive list of options for you to utilize. To see specific totality start, maximum, and end times, check out the specific articles linked in each header.

State Parks

StateHow Far In Advance Reservations OpenDate Of ReservationReservation URL
Utah4 monthsApril 2045
Table 1: Reservation Information

Number Of Parks With 100% Totality23
Number Of Parks With 90% – 99% Totality23
Number Of Parks With 80% – 89.99% Totality0
Number Of Parks With < 79.99% Totality0
Total Number Of Parks46
Percent Of Parks With 100% Totality50%
Average 100% Totality Time3 minutes, 9.3913 seconds
Campsites In 100% Totality15
Table 2: State Park Detailed Summary

State ParkTotality Duration
Camp Floyd State Park Museum4 minutes, 23 seconds
Dead Horse Point State Park2 minutes, 46 seconds
Deer Creek State Park3 minutes, 40 seconds
Flight Park State Recreation Area3 minutes, 40 seconds
Fred Hayes State Park at Starvation4 minutes, 3 seconds
Goblin Valley State Park1 minute, 59 seconds
Great Salt Lake State Park2 minutes, 13 seconds
Green River State Park4 minutes, 23 seconds
Historic Union Pacific Rail Trail2 minutes, 7 seconds
Huntington State Park4 minutes, 53 seconds
Jordanelle State Park2 minutes, 23 seconds
Millsite State Park4 minutes, 21 seconds
Palisade State Park4 minutes, 28 seconds
Scofield State Park4 minutes, 58 seconds
Territorial Statehouse State Park Museum3 minutes, 16 seconds
This Is The Place Heritage Park1 minute, 30 seconds
Utah Field House of Natural History State Park Museum1 minute, 19 seconds
Utah Lake State Park4 minutes, 20 seconds
Utahraptor State Park3 minutes, 51 seconds
Wasatch Mountain State Park3 minutes, 21 seconds
Yuba State Park4 minutes, 42 seconds
Table 3: Showing State Parks In Totality


CityTotality Time
Salt Lake City1 minute, 25 seconds
West Valley City2 minutes, 22 seconds
West Jordan2 minutes, 56 seconds
Provo4 minutes, 20 seconds
Orem4 minutes, 9 seconds
Lehi3 minutes, 54 seconds
South Jordan3 minutes, 11 seconds
Table 4: Large Cities In Totality

Public Land

There’s 1 National Park, 1 National Forest, and 40 BLM sites in the path of totality.

NameTotality Time
Arches National Park4 minutes
Fishlake National Forest41 seconds
Cedar Mountain Wilderness3 minutes, 41 seconds
Behind The Rocks2 minutes, 31 seconds
Black Ridge Canyon West5 minutes, 3 seconds
Bull Canyon5 minutes, 4 seconds
Coal Canyon5 minutes
Conger Mountain3 minutes, 43 seconds
Crack Canyon2 minutes, 14 seconds
Daniels Canyon4 minutes, 36 seconds
Dark Canyon100% no time
Deep Creek Mountains4 minutes, 51 seconds
Desolation Canyon5 minutes, 4 seconds
Devils Canyon4 minutes, 52 seconds
Fish Springs4 minutes, 55 seconds
Floy Canyon4 minutes, 42 seconds
Flume Canyon5 minutes, 1 second
Horseshoe Canyon2 minutes, 52 seconds
Howell Peak4 minutes, 7 seconds
Indian Creek100% no time
Jack Canyon4 minutes, 54 seconds
King Top2 minutes, 25 seconds
Link Flats3 minutes, 15 seconds
Lost Spring Canyon4 minutes, 12 seconds
Mexican Mountain4 minutes, 26 seconds
Mule Canyon5 minutes, 3 seconds
Negro Bill Canyon3 minutes, 34 seconds
North Stansbury Mountains3 minutes, 45 seconds
Notch Peak3 minutes, 29 seconds
Road Canyon4 minutes, 53 seconds
San Rafael Reef3 minutes, 34 seconds
Scott’s Basin4 minutes, 53 seconds
Sid’s Cabin4 minutes, 23 seconds
Sid’s Mountain4 minutes, 24 seconds
Spruce Canyon5 minutes, 1 seconds
Squaw/Papoose Canyon5 minutes, 5 seconds
Swasey Mountain4 minutes, 29 seconds
Turtle Canyon5 minutes, 1 seconds
Westwater Canyon4 minutes, 48 seconds
Winter Ridge4 minutes, 17 seconds
Table 5: Public Lands In Totality


GreenPublic Lands
RedState Park
Table 6: Map Information

This 2045 Utah total solar eclipse information is a work of a lot of data and information. If you have ideas for other articles, or ways to improve this, please let us know. For more 2045 State Park information such as how long totality is, which states have the most state parks in totality, and more, check out this article on the topic. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for updates as well.

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