Top 6 Tips For Kids Safety When Using A Telescope

Telescope Craigslist Kids Kid Telescope Safety

Telescopes are not only amazing, but are delicate and potentially dangerous if used incorrectly. For those who have kids and want to know more about some telescope safety tips, look no further!

  1. Look But Dont Touch
    Make sure to look through the telescope, but don’t touch. Telescopes are delicate objects that should be respected. Make sure to follow directions and look through the proper eyepiece. Feel free to ask if the object you’re looking at is what is expected. But don’t take it into your own hands to move it around.
  2. Ask If You Can Look Through It
    It is important to ask the owner and user of the telescope if and when you can view through it. Knowing when the telescope is ready and what you’re looking at will help ensure that you can enjoy the experience. It takes a while to configure and setup a telescope properly, which takes time. Moreover, just because the telescope is setup, not everyone is ready or able to allow others to look through it. The telescope may be doing photography, which will mean that you cant look through it.
  3. Avoid (Dont) Look Directly At The Sun
    Although there are specific solar filters, viewing the sun through a telescope is extremely dangerous. Avoid looking at the sun unless you are or with a trained professional with the proper gear. If you’re going to look at the sun through a telescope, make sure that an experienced operator with a solar filter is present. Otherwise; you risk permanently damaging your and others visions and set a bad example for others.
  4. Be Patient And Wait Tour Turn
    Setup and configuration of a telescope takes time. Moreover, even after configured, the telescope needs to be pointed at an object that can be safely viewed. Please be patient and dont get upset. There may also be a line, which will require patience as others will want to view the sky as well.
  5. Say Thank You!
    Always say thank you! Unless you’re at home with parents or friends, being nice will ensure that others will want to share with you in the future.
  6. Walk, Don’t Run Around Telescopes
    It is important to stay safe and not get hurt. By walking and being careful, you are making sure that you wont bump into a telescope in a way to hurt yourself and damage the telescope. The last thing you want to do is hurt yourself and make others upset. Moreover, there may be other obstacles in the area that could be a danger, which makes walking the best way to get around and travel.

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