Messier 93

Messier 93

Messier 93 is an open star cluster located in the constellation Puppis. It lies at a distance of 3,600 light years from Earth. The cluster has a dimension that is roughly two thirds the size…

Messier 92

Messier 92

Messier 92 is a globular cluster located in the northern constellation Hercules. Messier 92 is one of the brighter northern globulars – both visually and in terms of absolute magnitude – and can be seen…

Gardening Gardens Microgreens Plants

Gardens In Space

It’s that time of year when everyone gets to planning and planting their gardens, and as part of the recent Crew-4 NASA Social; we had an amazing opportunity to learn more about plants and gardening…


NASA Missile Crawler Transporter Facilities

The NASA Missile Crawler Transporters, formally known as the Missile Crawler Transporter Facilities, are a pair of tracked vehicles used to transport spacecraft from NASA’s Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) along the Crawlerway to Launch Complex 39. Originally used to transport the Saturn IB and Saturn V rockets during the Apollo, Skylab and Apollo–Soyuz programs, the crawler were then…

Stub Stewart Sky Glow Skyglow Salem movies stargaze

Sky Glow: What Is It? Why is its important?

Skyglow is a very important quality of the night sky quality that astronomers of all levels worry about. The technical definition of the term skyglow, or sky glow, is the diffuse luminance of the night sky,…

Messier 91

Messier 91

Messier 91 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the Virgo Cluster, in the constellation Coma Berenices. There was some confusion over where Messier 91 was located as Messier 91 was given the location of…