Nebraska State Parks Light Pollution Map


As we previously did articles on the 2024 solar eclipse for the several state parks, and figure that there is an amazing opportunity for mapping those state parks to their Bortle Scale values. With the help of, we created the following table to provide information about the entire state parks for Nebraska in regards to light pollution and astronomy.

ItemHow Many
Number Of State Parks8
Number of Different Bortle Scales4
Level 1 Bortle Scale State Parks0
Level 2 Bortle Scale State Parks1
Level 3 Bortle Scale State Parks3
Level 4 Bortle Scale State Parks1
Level 5 Bortle Scale State Parks3
Level 6 Bortle Scale State Parks0
Level 7 Bortle Scale State Parks0
Level 8 Bortle Scale State Parks0
Table 1: State Park Info


Here is a show of the colors of the markers, to know how to read the map.

ColorBortle Scale
BlackLevel 1
Dark PurpleLevel 2
BlueLevel 3
GreenLevel 4
YellowLevel 5
OrangeLevel 6
RedLevel 7
WhiteLevel 8
Table 2: Bortle Scale Map Marker

To learn more about the Bortle Scale, check out this article. The Nebraska State Parks official website can be found here.

1 Comment on "Nebraska State Parks Light Pollution Map"

  1. Great piece! Anyone with even a passing interest in the subject should read your in-depth analysis and explanations. Your inclusion of examples and practical ideas are really appreciated.

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