Surprising Ways HOAs Can Help Reduce Light Pollution

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Reducing light pollution isn’t easy, as is it not something that people think about that often, nor their first priority for things to fix. That said, of all of the ways to get people to be aware of light pollution and impact meaningful change, the use of HOAs and neighborhood associations may be the most unique and surprising.

Although HOAs and neighborhood associations are seen as strict, undesirable, unreasonable, they can help educate homeowners about the issue of light pollution and encourage meaningful change on the ground.

This is because unlike laws and action at the state, local, or federal levels, which take time, and often include getting the necessary votes, planning, studies, and implementation, HOAs can make changes without a significant amount of time to decide whether and how it should be done.

What actions should and could an HOA take to help reduce light pollution? It should provide information to homeowners about how light pollution costs money, how reducing light pollution can save homeowners money by shielding lights appropriately, how light pollution reduction doesn’t correspond to an increase in crime, and how inexpensive it is to fix. Moreover, the reduction in light pollution means a better environment to live in AND is more desirable.

Why should HOAs do this? The reason being simple: this is a way for homeowners to potentially save money, make the area more livable, and make everyone happy. It’s an easy win that may would some small changes.

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