
American Astronomical Society

American Astronomical Society

The American Astronomical Society is an American society of professional astronomers and other interested individuals, headquartered in Washington, DC. The primary objective of the AAS is to promote the advancement of astronomy and closely related…

Messier 33 Triangulum Galaxy

Messier 33 Triangulum Galaxy

Messier 33, otherwise known as the Triangulum galaxy is located 2.7 million light-years away, and the 3rd-largest member of our Local Group, after the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. Messier 33 is believed to be…

Messier 32

Messier 32

Messier 32, abbreviated as M32, also known as Le Gentil, is a dwarf elliptical galaxy located in Andromeda constellation. Messier 32 was named after Guillaume Le Gentil, the French astronomer who discovered it in 1749….

Mars 2020 Rocket Launch COVID-19 Rocket Launch Photography

How Humanity Can Get To Mars Faster

With the 3 Mars missions launched in 2020 about to land on the red planet and companies such as SpaceX looking to land human colonists on the red planet in the future, it is worth…

Uranus at Opposition

Planetary Opposition In 2021

Every year, 4 planets go into opposition, which is Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus. At this time of the year, it is the best time to view each astronomical object. The season during which the…

Messier 31 Andromeda Galaxy

Messier 31 Andromeda Galaxy

Messier 31, which is better known as the Andromeda Galaxy, is a large spiral galaxy located in the constellation Andromeda. The Andromeda Galaxy was named after the area of the sky that it occupies, the…

Messier 30

Messier 30

Messier 30 may originate from one of Milky Way’s satellite galaxies, as it moves in a retrograde orbit through the galaxy’s inner halo. It was created more than 13 billion years ago. Like many other…