Mars: A Brief Overview
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System, being only larger than Mercury. In English, the planet is named after the Roman god of war and is…
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System, being only larger than Mercury. In English, the planet is named after the Roman god of war and is…
Messier 42 (M42), the famous Orion Nebula, is an emission-reflection nebula located in the constellation Orion, the Hunter. The Orion Nebula is one of the most scrutinized and photographed objects in the night sky, and…
In this article, we will be looking at several different camping organizations to make sure that one can know how early and the rules for camping at each location for the 2023 annular solar eclipse….
Today we are going to talk about the constellations that are seasonally visible in the Winter and Spring. From the Northern Hemisphere and astronomers in the Pacific Northwest, there are 30 visible constellations; five can…
Every year, there seem to be several supermoon that are visible in the sky! 2021 has 2 supermoons, which are in April and May, but the May event is special for several reasons! This Supermoon…
Messier 41 (M41) is a bright open star cluster located in Canis Major constellation. It lies near Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. Messier 41 occupies an area of 38 arc minutes in apparent…
Today we are going to talk about the constellations that are seasonally visible in the Winter and Spring. From the Northern Hemisphere and astronomers in the Pacific Northwest, there are 30 visible constellations; five can…
Messier 40, M40, also known as Winnecke 4, is a double star located in the constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear. It is one of the few Messier objects that are not deep sky objects, but…
The table below shows the number of launches of spacecraft that were destined for Venus. There have been many that have passed by and observed Venus as part of their closest passes on the way…
Throughout history, there have been some crazy beliefs surrounding an eclipse, whether be solar or lunar. Many beliefs have the sun and moon represent animals, while other traditions represent these eclipses as fighting between the…