
M45 Pleides cluster

Messier 45 Pleiades

Commonly called the Pleiades or Seven Sisters, M45 is known as an open star cluster that contains over a thousand stars that are loosely bound by gravity, but it is visually dominated by a handful…


Moons of Mars

In August 1877, the American astronomer Asaph Hall discovered the two moons of Mars using a 660 mm, 26 in, telescope at the U.S. Naval Observatory.[1] The names of the two satellites, Phobos and Deimos, were chosen by Hall based upon a suggestion by Henry Madan, a…

Messier 44 Beehive Cluster

The Beehive Cluster is an open cluster in the constellation Cancer. It is one of the nearest open clusters to Earth, containing a larger population of stars than other nearby bright open clusters. Under dark…


Observation Of Mars

Mars has been observed by many ancient civilizations, all which have their own stories to tell about the red planet. In the sky, Mars will appear like a red planet. Depending on the aperture, telescope…

Messier 43 De Mairan's Nebula

Messier 43 De Mairan’s Nebula

Messier 43 or M43, also known as De Mairan’s Nebula and NGC 1982, is a star-forming nebula with a prominent H II region in the equatorial constellation of Orion. It was discovered by the French…


Mars: A Brief Overview

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System, being only larger than Mercury. In English, the planet is named after the Roman god of war and is…

Messier 42 Orion Nebula nebula

Messier 42 Orion Nebula

Messier 42 (M42), the famous Orion Nebula, is an emission-reflection nebula located in the constellation Orion, the Hunter. The Orion Nebula is one of the most scrutinized and photographed objects in the night sky, and…

2023 Annular Solar Eclipse Eye Eclipse Phases Eclipse Phase Nevada Texas 2044 South Dakota

2023 Annular Solar Eclipse Camping Options

In this article, we will be looking at several different camping organizations to make sure that one can know how early and the rules for camping at each location for the 2023 annular solar eclipse….

Supermoon winter astronomical targets Lunar Craters 2022 astronomical events Blue Moon Astronomy Moon Moons

The Supermoon Of May 25th

Every year, there seem to be several supermoon that are visible in the sky! 2021 has 2 supermoons, which are in April and May, but the May event is special for several reasons! This Supermoon…