


Located on the celestial equator, Monoceros is faint constellation, whose name means unicorn in Greek. Petrus Plancius is attributed with the creation of the constellation in the 17th-century. One of the nearest known black holes to our Solar System is in…



Located in the southern celestial hemisphere, the constellation Fornax is partly ringed by the celestial river Eridanus. The name of the constellation, Fornax is Latin for furnace, which was given by French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1756. Alpha, Beta and Nu Fornacis,…

Lunar Eclipse space 2025 lunar eclipse Olympics eclipses

2024 Space Events

This article will help provide some really unique astronomical and space events, plus some amazing historic launches in 2024. The astronomical events that will be highlighted are not the normal meteor showers, full moons, or…



Located in the southern celestial hemisphere, Crater is a small constellation with its name being the latinization of the Greek krater, a type of cup used to water down wine. Crater is 1 of the…



Located in the southern celestial hemisphere, Scorpius is one of the constellations of the zodiac, with a name in Latin meaning scorpion. Identified by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century, Scorpius is an…



Located in the southern celestial hemisphere, Sagittarius is 1 of 12 the constellations of the zodiac. It is also 1 of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy and is one of the…



Located in the northern sky, the constellation Pegasus is named after the winged horse Pegasus in Greek mythology. Pegasus has a long history with it being 1 of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy, with the IAU recognizing…



Located in the northern hemisphere, Pisces is a constellation of the zodiac. Because of its size and location, the constellation was viewed by most European cultures per Greco-Roman antiquity as a distant pair of fishes connected by one cord…