Articles by Mike R

M27 Nebula Nebulae

Top 5 Most Famous Planetary Nebulae To View

When looking in the sky, there are several easy and well known planetary nebulae (plural of nebula) that are visible from the Pacific Northwest and other Northern Hemisphere observing locations. A planetary nebulae galaxy is…

Messier 72

Messier 72

Messier 72 is a globular star cluster located in the constellation Aquarius, the Water Bearer. Pierre Méchain, a French astronomer and colleague of Charles Messier, discovered the globular cluster M72 in 1780. It was the first of…

M45 Pleides cluster

Top 5 Easiest Open Clusters To View

When looking in the sky, there are several easy and well known open cluster objects that are visible from the Pacific Northwest and other Northern Hemisphere observing locations. An open cluster is a type of star…

constellation constellations largest constellations

Former Constellations: Brief Overview

After spending much time discussing their visibility for amateur astronomers in the Pacific Northwest, it makes sense to discuss constellations that are no longer around in the sky today. Prior to standardization efforts, many of…

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Top 6 Easiest Globular Clusters To View

When looking in the sky, there are several easy and well known globular cluster that are visible from the Pacific Northwest and other Northern Hemisphere observing locations. M13 Hercules Globular Cluster When Visible: May to…

Messier 42 Orion Nebula nebula

Top 4 Easiest Diffuse Nebulae To View

When looking in the sky, there are several easy and well known diffuse nebulae (plural of nebula) that are visible from the Pacific Northwest and other Northern Hemisphere observing locations. A diffuse nebulae is a…


Moons Of Neptune

Neptune has 14 known moons, which are named for minor water deities in Greek mythology. By far the largest of them is Triton, discovered by William Lassell on October 10, 1846, 17 days after the discovery of Neptune itself; over a century passed…

Messier 71

Messier 71

Ever since it was discovered in 1746 by the Swiss astronomer Jean-Philippe Loys de Chéseaux, the nature of Messier 71 has been the subject of some questioning. Over the centuries, it has been classified as…

Supermoon winter astronomical targets Lunar Craters 2022 astronomical events Blue Moon Astronomy Moon Moons

Can’t Miss Astronomical Events Of 2022

Here is the list of the 2022 Astronomical Events that will be visible in the Pacific Northwest! There are some items that we have left off such as the annual solar eclipse if the event…