Articles by Mike R

Messier 99 Coma Pinwheel

Messier 99 Coma Pinwheel

Messier 99, also known as the Coma Pinwheel or Virgo Cluster Pinwheel, is an unbarred spiral galaxy in Coma Berenices. It is one of the brighter spiral galaxies in the Virgo Cluster and appears almost face-on, which makes…

Messier 98

Messier 98

Messier 98 is an intermediate spiral galaxy located in the Virgo Cluster, in the constellation Coma Berenices. The galaxy is inclined at a 74-degree angle to our line of sight and appears almost edge-on. It is one…

Messier 97 Owl Nebula

Messier 97 Owl Nebula

Messier 97, also known as the Owl Nebula, is a famous planetary nebula located in Ursa Major constellation. It was named the Owl Nebula because of its appearance in larger telescopes, which reveal two dark patches…

Oregon Dark Sky Sites

Oregon Dark Sky Site Update

Every 6 months the Oregon chapter of the IDA puts out its report for how the SQM, Sky Quality Meters, have been doing regarding analyzing sites for select Oregon dark sky sites. Having these SQM…