American Museum Of Natural History

American Museum Of Natural History Display Planets

When having some time in New York City, going to the American Museum of Natural History is a great museum and worth the visit! We were lucky enough to have time to visit there!

Comprising 28 interconnected buildings housing 45 permanent exhibition halls, and a planetarium and a library, the museum complex is the largest natural history museum in the world. Located right next to Central Park, at the Theodore Roosevelt Park, the museum was founded in 1869.

There are a plethora of exhibits that can take hours to visit, which is because of all of the different museum sections. They include halls covering topics that span astronomical, environmental, and human realms. They are all really fascinating, but this review will focus on the astronomical exhibition halls.

Arthur Ross Hall of Meteorites

The hall of meteorites is really fascinating. The hall contains some of the rarest and coolest specimens including Ahnighito, a section of the 200 ton Cape York meteorite which was found in Greenland. The meteorite weighs 34 tons, which makes it is the largest meteorite on display at any museum in the world.

The meteorite exhibit is split into several different sections, which include the science that meteorites can provide, and how meteorites can provide information about the age of the solar system. The video in this section was really fascinating and provides a fabulous overview of the exhibit!

Rose Center for Earth and Space

This section is made up of the Hayden Planetarium and the Arthur Ross Terrace. There are really cool videos that are narrated by famous actors and awesome panels describing the big bang. There are other cool panels which describe how large different celestial objects are.


Here are some great links from the American Museum Of Natural History website:
Events Calendar:
Kids Website:

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