6 Tips For Kids To At Star Parties

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Whether you’re at an official star party or stargazing with a bunch of friends, here are some tips for your kids to help keep them safe and a great time for everyone. This list isnt in any particular order, rather

1) Stay near your parents or friends

As they naturally occur at night, star parties are dark and have limited lighting. Therefore, it is crucial to have your kids near you or be able to keep an eye on them. This does not mean keeping an eye on your kid by having them have lights with them or wear extremely reflective clothing. Rather, it means keeping tabs on where your kids are and cognizant that its easy to get lost in the dark, especially in an unfamiliar area.

2) Avoid Using White Light As Much As Possible

Although this one isnt something that is safety related, this tip will not only help you maximize your experience, but the experience of everyone around you. Plus, using red lights as alternatives will help you avoid having to be asked to either not return to turn that light off.

3) Be patient and wait your turn

You will probably not be the only one at the star who will want to look through someone’s telescope. So be patient.

4) Dont Use Equipment That Isnt Yours

This one might seem the simplest of all, but asking before using equipment and not touching others telescopes will not only help ensure that the telescopes will be able to be setup correctly. Telescopes can take time to setup, and changing the settings can cause issues.

5) Walk, Dont Run And Pay Attention To Where You’re Going

Because it’s dark, be even more careful to not run into a telescope, building, or natural feature that may cause injury. The last thing you will want to do is knock over a telescope or get hurt. Everyone has more fun when you walk and are careful.

6) Say Thank You After Using A Telescope

Nothing shows respect and that you’re thankful to use the telescope than to say thank you. Being polite is a nice gesture, that others will find nice.

Are there things that you tell kids to do or not do when they attend a star party? Let us know! For other Top 5 articles, check out our website as we have a plethora of other content like this. Make sure to connect with us on our social media such as Twitter and Instagram to stay up to date on new articles, events, and more.

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