3 Spooky Space Facts: Halloween Edition

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Image courtesy of Garry Hayes in Waterford, California

Since Halloween is coming up, lets take a look at some of the spookiest space science available and why it is so spooky. Some traditional Halloween themed stories of Vampires and Zombies are not just limited to the science fiction books, rather, there are examples of stars performing these acts in outer space.

  1. Stars Can Come Back From The Dead.
    Just like there are many Zombie themes of the undead coming back to life to haunt the living, apparently there is such as thing in the world of astronomy. Astronomers and scientists have discovered white dwarves coming back to life after feeding on their companion star. After this feeding, the zombie white dwarf star observed sprang back to life as its luminosity increased.
  2. Otherwise known as a Symbiotic Binary star, except instead of blood, these vampire stars suck hydrogen. The results can be deadly for both parties as if too much hydrogen is sucked out of the victim, then the victim star would be destroyed or turned it in a white dwarf star. Another possibility is that the star being used could also possibly explode in a supernova, which would destroy both stars in the process.
  3. Someday in the far future, the night sky will be complete black
    Dark nights are often a good backdrop and setting for a spooky story, but often times they are just that, story settings. However, in the far future as the Milky Way collides with Andromeda and the expansion of the universe expands, scientists think that gravity will eventually pull the galaxies apart faster than light. This will eliminate the distinctive products of the big bang and nullifying points of reference for expansion measurement, which will make every night a very dark night. Don’t worry, this wont happen for a long, long time.

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